The Sacred Heart Parents Group supports school-based programs, educational and social events, and building and group enhancements, while encouraging a closer school community bond among students, parents, and faculty.
The SHPG budget is primarily supported by fundraisers which allow us to offer many programs and services that give back to the students, staff, school and community. Each school year, SHPG:
►Supports curriculum & technology purchases (i.e. laptops, laptop cart, iPads)
►Purchases personal Bibles for students entering 4th grade
►Provides funds for special school assemblies
►Provides funds for classroom field trips
► Supports Math Masters and Geography Bee involvement
►Provides funds for music, art, and gym supplies
►Provides funds for teacher salaries and in turn keeping tuition costs lower
September - School Marathon
November - Family Fun Bingo Night
February - Winter Banquet
March - Rummage Sale
**Exact dates will be listed in the school calendar**
Anyone with a child or grandchild at Sacred Heart School, or any interested party, is welcome and encouraged to be part of SHPG. We need many people to share their time and talents to support our school, students, and faculty. We ask that you fill out the pamphlet form with your contact information and return it to the school office. The Parents Group Coordinators will contact you with further information as the activity day approaches.
Scrip certificates are purchased at a discounted from a national center and several area businesses. The certificates are sold to you at face value and can be spent as gift certificates at participating stores. Sacred Heart School receives the profit of the discounted Scrip from participating businesses. Profits from Scrip are shared in the form of rebates to school families that can be applied to unpaid tuition, student lunches, or can be donated to the Parents Group fund. For more information, visit the For Parents section of this website.
The Save-A-Label™ program helps non-profit organizations and schools easily raise money. More than 8,900 non-profit groups have utilized the program. These groups earn $0.3 for each UPC symbol redeemed from the Best Choice® family of brands. Not only are participants supporting the organizations they love, but they are also supporting their communities by shopping at their local independent grocers!
Save your aluminum cans for Sacred Heart School’s recycling program. All cans can be bagged and dropped off at the Sacred Heart School’s Quonset building.
Shop AmazonSmile and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from eligible AmazonSmile purchases. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you need to select a charitable organization (Sacred Heart, Adams) to receive donations from your eligible purchases.
Sacred Heart School can earn cash for Box Tops labels. Clipped labels can be dropped off at the school or in the back of church.
It has become a tradition for Mrs. Heimer’s 2nd grade class to collect pop tabs and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The Upper Midwest Chapter has raised approximately $30,000 a year through the pop tab program. Pop tabs can be dropped off at the school.
Recycle any ink or toner cartridges and Sacred Heart can receive Staples Rewards for every eligible ink or toner cartridge we recycle. Ink and toner cartridges can be dropped off at the school.